Amanda Hill
“I have been making art ever since I was little. My parents handed me crayons and, in many ways, I just never let go. In high school, I became more aware of my talents and dove deeper into the fundamentals of drawing and painting and also experimented with set design. In college, I was able to pursue painting and installation work. At the same time, I was also minoring in Philosophy with an emphasis on Eastern religion thought. This led me to see my work as something more meditative. A process where I could lose time and awareness of my surroundings and myself. I began to, and still, believe that my work can often be personally healing, cathartic—extricating me from my own mind.
I don’t mean to make anyone believe that when I sit down to work I am met with pure meditative bliss. More often than not, I struggle. Making work has and continues to be one of the most mentally and physically challenging things I have ever done, which is why I am so drawn to the process. Wrangling a painting or piece of work, the highs and lows of frustration and elations are captivating.
Within my creative practices, there is something I am trying to communicate. There is a connection unlike any other that I have when looking at certain work, it is very difficult to explain. To me, it is almost like a memory and an emotion but it is also wrapped in awe. When someone looks at my work, I hope to trigger or communicate those same feelings.
I took a major hiatus from my artwork, while I completed graduate school and pursued other more administrative-based efforts. After five years, the desire to return to my practice had only intensified, and I started painting again formally in 2018. As such, I am trying to push myself to make more work, exhibit, and branch out professionally. A member driven gallery full of like-minded individuals has always appealed to me. When a friend mentioned the Annex application, I jumped at the opportunity. I am so happy to be a part of Fountain Street and the SOWA community.”
Part of Amanda's work also centers around social engaged art. Hill takes a special interest in a community's ability to make and experience art, as such she regularly designs, consults, and coordinates mural and place-making/public art projects.