Allison Maria Rodriguez
Photo is by Melissa Blackall for the BCA @melissablackall
“I had seen a “call for work” from Fountain Street right before I left for my very first artist residency - The Studios at MASS MoCA - and the call looked exciting, but I was unable to apply due to my schedule. At that time, all I wanted was more time to focus on my practice - but the residency experience and the folks at Assets for Artists really inspired me to create more specific goals and to develop a trajectory to obtain those goals. I also met and connected with some FS artists through the A4A program, including current member Mia Cross. In early 2017 I saw FS’s call for membership and learned they had relocated to Boston. I had not considered being part of a co-operative before, but I was attracted to FS because I felt like it was a space that was willing to take risks and permit artists to be experimental. As a video installation artist, I have pushed my work into venues that are hesitant to show video art, but FS was excited about me and what I had to offer. I had worked with artist collectives and organized exhibitions in the past, but I liked the idea of being able to develop my knowledge of running a professional arts gallery. I also believe it is important for me as a maker to be connected to as many segments of the Boston art scene as possible. As I’ve grown, I’ve wanted to focus on ways to sustain my practice, and FS has been open to finding new and challenging ways to support me. I’ve learned so much from being a part of FS, and it is wonderful to have a community of artists that you know support not only the work you make, but they also support you as a complete person. ”