Virginia Mahoney
“I’ve been a core member of Fountain Street for less than a year, but it seems as though I’ve always been a part of this gallery. Despite the fact that I don’t know all of the members well, and some hardly at all, I feel so much great camaraderie and energy in this organization!
I felt it when I was an Annex member, and that is why I wanted to be more involved. That, and, of course, the dynamic and contemporary exhibitions that have consistently occupied its space, month after month. This is a community of very fine and talented individuals, working with a great variety of approaches, who genuinely care about and support one another in their artistic endeavors. It is a place where people feel o.k. about stretching their creative muscle and going out on a limb, where they can dream in their art practice and then take those dreams into reality, knowing our FS team will support them with honest feedback and useful discussion. As a result, I now take seriously some of my more outlandish ideas....with an eye toward actually realizing them!
I must say, too, that the leadership of Fountain Street is amazing. Organized, forward-thinking, encouraging, caring, energetic, and dedicated are just a few of the words that come to mind with regard to the FS leadership. Just the kind of folks you want on your side in a pandemic! I feel more connected in this crazy isolation, with all the efforts to keep in touch and to let us know what’s happening. ”