Art and Framing Retailers Remain Vigilant


Marie Craig, co-owner and director of Fountain Street, a contemporary gallery located in the SOWA (South of Washington) art district of Boston has been in business since 2011 and knows that sharing ideas with the art community helps to create a destination for collectors. Fountain Street is a member of the Association of Women Art Dealers, Boston Art Dealers Association, South End Business Alliance (SEBA) and the SOWA Art + Design District of Boston. The gallery also supports the United South End Artists (USEA) and Mass Creative.

“Running a small business is always a challenge,” she says. “So far, we’ve been able to absorb price increases, but that’s a short term solution to a longer term problem. I expect that going forward, the remedy will be a bit of raising prices and also making cuts. The biggest price increases come primarily from fixed expenses, such as rent, utilities and taxes.” The cuts have been small tweaks here and there. “We definitely are more strategic about discretionary expenses, and have curtailed our ad budget,” Ms. Craig says. “So far we have not increased prices for our customers, but we expect that will have to change.”