Joseph Fontinha: Experience Blue Tarp Project

As summer comes to a close and we get geared up for a new season of exhibitions we are excited about our first interactive Pop Up exhibition that will run from Weds Aug 30 until Sunday Sept 3 featuring Core Artist Joseph Fontinha.



Joseph will transform the Gallery into a studio and create work that interacts with visitors in the gallery for the duration of the exhibition. In the video below he talks about how his approach to making these days.

Joeseph Talks about the Pop Up Below:

"Much of my work over the past year has been documented with and presented in the form of video, but the work in its best form is experiential.  The show will feature a slice of my studio life, which for me is as magical as the artists studio is fabled.  I will have much video yes, but also some installations from my Blue Box Theater projects as well as Fake Studio projects.  There will be a few tripods around the room for viewers to use their own camera in framing the work themselves.  All of the work I have done in this past year has been mediated through the camera, and most scenes are only completely coherent from one very specific angle, that of the camera position.  Viewers will have a chance to take timed selfies with their own camera, putting themselves in the work and hopefully posting them and tagging myself and the gallery where we can accumulate a new document of experience.  I hope to make new work while there, maybe even with your help?  I will have my Red Room set up (see as well as Giotto's circle, and hopefully an area one can create their own silhouette behind a tarp.  There will be as much of my studio that I can bring, replicating the way I work, including residual artifacts of "the making."

Joseph posts regular studio experiments and video projects at josephfontinha on Instagram- follow him to shake up your feed!