Miller Opie
Miller and pup, Amelia. Photo taken by Miller’s husband, David Opie. (author/illustrator)
“I come from a family of artists and makers, so making art is in my DNA. I make things because I must– I just can’t help myself. My current work is inspired by multiple surgeries I had about 10 years ago. I use found natural objects– bones, feathers, etc– and I combine them with copper sheet metal using jewelry construction techniques. My practice is not limited to only creating something; it includes the experience of searching, finding and processing these objects and then combining the shapes in a new way. I don’t know what I will find, so every new object can direct my work down a different path.
Fountain Street is an eclectic group of artists working in all mediums. The common thread is the strength, edge and uniqueness of the work. I felt my work fit by complimenting the group while also standing on it’s own. ”