Steve Sangapore
I have an insatiable curiosity for how the world works. I am as passionate in my interest as to how the universe operates on a technical and mechanical level as I am concerned with how I, and we as humans, are to conduct ourselves within it.
The scientific enterprise and its method guide us in a way that provides us with technical answers to our questions of how?. Questions like, How does gravity work? or, How is the perception of color processed in the brain? Are best handled within the domain of science. As far as we are concerned, these are testable questions that have measurable answers.
This is, however, only one side of a two-sided coin. All of the information in the world as to how reality is structured is important and fascinating - yet it is meaningless to an individual or community without a coherent system of ethics, morals and virtues. The “answers” to these types of problems are relative, dynamic and ultimately subjective. Science may tell us how the world works, but art and the humanities tell us how to be in the world. It is primarily these big ideas that I explore in my work.
Every series I create weaves my own personal story with my interests in the humanities, science, and religion. These intellectual domains provide great value when they attempt to explain our world and can offer deep context to the human condition. Whether generating tension or resolve, I try to create a space in my work for them to communicate.
Additional work can be found on my website <>.
Fountain Street Exhibitions: Specularis, Phantasm, Upended, Sharp Focus, Read Between the Lines, Annex February 2019

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More about Steve Sangapore:
Artscope | Marjorie Kaye