Sandra Cohen
Sandra Cohen describes herself as a sci-fi geek and science dilettante, attracted to what defies classification. Music is intimately entwined with memory for Cohen, who has been a performing musician and songwriter. With her deep interest in the intersections of science and philosophy, paradoxes and dualities often appear in comical and/or brutal ways in her work, layered with shifting grounds of memory and ‘earworms’. Using techniques that vary from wet to dry and tight to loose, and processes that may weave between digital and tactile, the act of creating the work also reflects what she hopes emerges: glimpses of a true/false spectrum wavering into being as lustrous, rhythmic, and often darkly humorous hybrids.
Sandra Cohen studied fine art at Parsons School of Design, the SMFA, and the Art Institute of Boston. A Massachusetts Cultural Council Painting Fellow (2008) and a former member of the Copley Society of Art, she has also been a performing singer, guitarist, drummer, songwriter; graphic artist, web designer, art director and pretzel cart vendor.
Fountain Street Exhibitions: “In Search Of…”