far and near
Lisa Barthelson and Kay Hartung

January 29 – March 1, 2015
Reception 2/7 5-7pm (snow date 2/8, 3-5pm)
Artist Talk 2/28, 3pm (snow date 3/1, 3pm)

Lisa Barthelson presents new works from her recent artist’s residency at Playa, located in the high desert basin of south central Oregon. Leaving the chaos and clutter of her ongoing ‘family debris series’ behind, Barthelson explores the antithesis of the enclosed New England environment by joyfully embracing the far flung, wide open desert landscape and the unexpected textures and sere palette of the playa through no press monoprints and mixed media works.

Kay Hartung continues to explore the imagery of the microscopic world in this new body of work, while also expanding to the cosmos. The paintings have become biological studies and images relating to the world beyond, created by drawing with fire. Choosing to limit her palette to black, white and gray she has been working with graphite and experimenting with the interaction this material has with encaustic.

Lisa Barthelson's Statement

Kay Hartung's Statement